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President Obama's First 100 Days

Monday, April 20, 2009

Order Our Steps!

In our research recently, some amazing finds were discovered. Imagine a life with no stairs or grand staircases. Is that even possible? Apparently so, considering there were no stairs built into The White House until the Truman renovations, (President Harry Truman gutted the entire White House in 1948).

Stairs have become such a commonplace fixture in contemporary architecture that it is easy to forget that they were known as "stairsteppes" as they were originally called, most people moved between building levels using ramps or ladders.
The same was true at the White House. While most Presidents were quite adept at negotiating the interior ladders, some found the arrangement unworkable. For that reason, President Benjamin Harrison had an elaborate system of winches and pulleys installed on the White House exterior.

Evening passers-by on Pennsylvania Avenue often could catch a glimpse of the President being hoisted to the window of his second floor bedroom. Indeed, those nightly episodes were the genesis of the campaign slogan, "Heave Ho for Harrison!" which the President used extensively during his unsuccessful 1893 campaign.

While the interior staircases at the White House were all installed during the Truman administration, the various exterior stairs were installed piecemeal, with the last being completed in February 1963.

If I could continue on and utilize the stairs of the White House as a metaphor, with each step built into this expansive residence and global headquarters of the U.S. presidency, the president also rises. Truman, was able to do something no other president before him had ever done before; acend with one step at a time.

2 Samuel 22:37 says "Thou hast enlarged my steps under me so that my feet (do) not slip". Our prayers for the leaders of our government is intended to enlarge their steps to prevent their slipping away from those unrightous deeds that plague the offices they hold. President Truman realized that the White House looked wonderful to the natural eye, but on the inside, the floor literally gave way under heavy furniture and many of the walls, nearly 150 years old, were leaning at the touch.

One of my favorite verses is one of King David's in Psalms 37:23, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord..." In this nation of democracy and order, we aim to elect those of good character and intention to represent us not only in this country but around the world. Going forward, this prayer team would encourage you to build on the monumental efforts accomplished during this past election cycle when by large majorities, the people of this nation elected its first african american to the presidency of the United States.

We need you to continue to perform your citizenry, help those who need it, share with those who do not have, feed those who are hungry as well as love those lack it. However, in all of your doing, pray for this White House and all that is expected to come down the stairs from the residential quarters and walk over to the Oval. Pray that every step he takes is ordered by the Lord. Believe God, that as his family follows behind him in places he trods, they too will serve as the examples our families in all corners of this country have come to hope for from them.

Every secretary, clerk, guard and house-keeping staff member will be blessed as they serve through the historical progress of this nation. With each new office holder, the country moves forward just as another step in the right direction. Progress. Where there were ramps and hoists, now there are 8 sets of staircases and 3 elevators.

Write to us and tell us some of the steps you have taken and how God has blessed you through the progress of your life. We've all had some hoists and spiraling ramps in our spiritual lives. Thank God for His mercy so that now the steps we take are "grand". Let me hear from you by email, or facebook by clicking the ad to your left on the home page.


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