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President Obama's First 100 Days

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Carrying the weight of the world!

You think you have stress? Imagine if you were the President of these United States!
What if you had to have every an answer to every question ever asked? And what if that answer immediately became the law of the land; the new policy of the law...just because you said it. What if you could never be wrong about anything; things have always be right the first time you did anything? So you think you can be the president now?
Ever wondered why each minute of the day for the president is scripted down to every small detail? His life, his words, his way and character is the life-blood for millions. If he makes a mistake, or implies that he doesn't know the answer to a specific problem, he would be unable to effectively govern because no one would put their trust and confidence in him. Still want the job?
If for one moment, the president seems out of touch or out of the loop on various matters, how can they convince you to participate by paying taxes and helping your community if they don't know what it takes to do either of those things.
We hate for our leaders to appear over confident, yet, who would dare take this job and adopt these responsibilities each day unless they honestly believed, rather very heavily, in themselves.
This weight that they must carry, this nation that they must carry takes every thing out of them each and every day. It robs their families, their desires, theirs as well as their friends. It truly takes more than most would ever know to assume this office or any other of its calibur. This is why we are here! The White House Prayer Team is here to speak those mountains that might appear before our leadership and bring them down by the power of prayer.
Everytime we see them, they have to smile even if they don't want too. Why? Because if you think something is wrong, it may cause panic as well as indicate a lack of confidence on the POTUS' working schedule. See the posting entitled, "The Midnight Oils".
Okay, everyone knows its a tough job. We all are aware that there is an insurmountable sacrifice offered up. For what is offered, for all that is endured, we surely ought to pray for the sanity of the man, the sanctity of the office and the surity of the mission. You may just be a great president or a first lady, however, we now have an occupant who has inspired hope and personal dedication to family and community. Until it becomes your turn at bat, let us join together in locked arms and rally around the mission of the man.
The White House Prayer Team needs you to join up and get involved daily as we pray for this government. Visit us on facebook; "WhiteHousePrayer". Join in with us to bring the hope you elected into reality.

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