Rumors are being placed around Washington, D.C. that Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid had been told by Justice Souter "several weeks ago" that the Justice would be stepping down from the highest court in the nation.
At age 69, the Justice had his fair share of the rumor creation when he failed to appoint Law Clerks to his office for the court's next session which will begin in the fall.
With that said, any other ideas who might have known about the Justices' resignation "several weeks ago"? One guess? Do you honestly believe that Harry Reid, the Senior Senator from Nevada, the Senate Majority Leader in this historic senate would have this piece of information and hold it close to his vest? Do you actually think, he would not tip off this historic presidency under the leadership of the congressional master, Rahm Emanuel, the White House Chief of Staff?
I want to just keep open and real with you...the White House had a head start before the leak and had already began to vett their likely candidates for Souter's replacement. Now of course, this is just the way politics work, but more than that, Senator Reid fully understands that this is the benefit of having your party leader working from the Oval Office.
An the occupant of the Oval Office is fully aware of the benefits of having the benefit the majority of congress behind him with a 60% job approval rating. Its fair to say that former President Bush would not have received that same gracious tid-bit of knowledge had he still occupied the Oval with a Democratic majority, yet, all of this is mere hypothetical anyway now isn't it? (wink...wink..)
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1 comment:
Read and sign these legislative petitions please and
get hundreds of people to sign them and they will
automatically go to Republican minority leaders
Sen. McConnell and Rep. Boehner.
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